A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world


We invite you to consider making a decision to invest financially in your congregation in a regular way. The practice of stewardship is a spiritual discipline and a way to grow faith. There is joy to be found in practicing generosity and it begins with simple steps and the decision to contribute. Your gift matters – it matters to you as the giver, and to the church which utilizes it as a resource for mission. The ministry of our church takes place because of spiritual and financial gifts our members choose to offer. These are the resources that fuel our mission.

There are several different ways you can make a gift to First Christian Church:

  • EasyTithe provides a fast, easy, secure way to donate. Click here to give online.
  • Cash or checks (made out to First Christian Church) can be mailed, given on Sunday morning or dropped off at the church office.
  • For long-term gifts we encourage you to make a pledge.  Giving a set weekly amount over the course of the year is a meaningful way to make an investment in the church and to accomplish a personal goal. For more information about making a pledge, speak with our current Treasurer.